In warehousing facilities, even small enhancements in productivity and efficiency can have a big impact on your bottom line. Whether it’s through faster fulfillment, reduced waste, minimized downtime, or improved quality, operations are looking for any advantage at every turn.
Raymond West can help you achieve all of the above with our Lean Management System. Built on the proven foundation and principles of the world-renowned Toyota Production System, our Lean Management program combines tailored training, collaboration, and consultation.
We're in this with you.
As shelter in place government mandates lift, returning to the workplace safely is our main focus.
To do this, our Continuous Improvement Team will utilize our Raymond Lean Management system to develop specialized COVID-19 Protocols so we’re able to successfully create and maintain a safe workspace.
The 3 P's of a Successful Protocol
• People: Develop standardized, repeatable practices employees can reasonably maintain during interactions with your customers. • Place: Identify and obtain the necessary equipment to implement workplace social distancing guidelines and create standards for a healthy work environment. • Process: Visualize and document critical processes to establish workplace standards in order to effectively train teams.
Standard Workplace Controls
Decide on start and end times to avoid congestion upon arrival and exiting. Staggered start times are suggested.
Establish check-in procedure with daily health checks that include employee temperature scans upon arrival.
Calculate average person per sq/ft and zone your facility by assigning team members to specific zones using ID badges, color coating, etc.
Stagger breaks and lunches in common areas and develop a detailed schedule for your staff. Ideally this would be based off the zones developed in step 3.
Establish meeting protocols with proper number of people per room and guidelines on where to sit in order to maintain safe social distancing.
Determine restroom occupancy procedures by establishing how many people can be in the restroom at one time. Close off parts of the restroom if necessary in an effort to maintain safe social distancing.
Clean Workplace Standard
Keep the workplace clean and disinfected by wiping down surfaces and objects that you or others might use in your area daily (i.e. desks/tables, chairs, phones, keyboards, pens, computer mouse, etc.).
To effectively clean, you’ll need to remove dirt, germs and impurities from surfaces or objects with soap (or detergent) and water to physically remove germs from surfaces with common cleaning tools.
Sanitizing lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, as judged by public health standards and requirements.
Personal sanitizing is also critical. Use hand sanitizer for your hands after touching shared equipment and surfaces (e.g. printers, doors, light switches, etc.)
To disinfect to kill germs on surfaces or objects, you must use chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects.
Employee Health & Wellness
Prepare your organization’s team members with an infectious disease preparedness response plan to return to work safely.
As part of your infectious disease preparedness plan, consider a plan that works for the general public, customers and coworkers.
Include in your plan provisions for sick and high risk employees.
When creating your plan, consider non-occupational risk factors.
Determine necessary controls for business and coordinate with your leadership to implement
Workplace Social Distance
Identify danger zones such as multi-person areas like cafeterias, meeting rooms, reception lobbies or other areas that could get crowded and increase exposure possibilities.
No physical greetings should take place including hugs, handshakes, high fives, etc. Contact-less greetings should be commonplace when needed or phone calls and emails.
Limit customer face-to-face interaction by having meetings with clients online or through phone conference.
Keep social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from other people, as well as placing office space in different areas or space them 6 feet apart.
For additional information on COVID-19 protocol, contact us.